Monday, November 2, 2009

Industrial Elistism

Everyone's experienced it. And to a point we all have our own elitism when it comes to our music. Thats why we pick it, right? It's better than the rest haha.
The problem comes when people treat you like shit because they don't agree with your choice. Anyone that's been on forums sees the rants about these fuckheads.

It always seems to go like this:
You're somewhere and someone starts talking about music to you.
Them: "You like industrial"
You: "Definitely, you?"
Them: "hah, no way. Too mainstream for me. Do you listen to *insert intelligible band name here*?"
You: "umm... no?"
Them: "Oh, you're just another poser."

Don't you hate that? Makes me so angry. ugh.

I listen to a lot of stuff that people can judge this way.. So in turn I try not to do anything like this. Everyone has their reasons for enjoying a certain music. AHHHHHH.

so go ahead and rant on here about them for me... I have to try and study. : P

1 comment:

  1. Actually that's never happened to me... only with punk music lol everyone is so confused about what's punkrock.
